Going forward, the shift would be towards de

Yet, there are efforts underway by the Wolf administration to try to exclude private schools from the benefits of the CARES Act. Department of Education not to give in to these demands to squeeze out private school communities, many of which are serving vulnerable children in economically distressed communities throughout the state. These schools, in particular, will likely feel the devastating effects of the COVID 19 shutdown harder than those in wealthier areas.

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wholesale jerseys from china You can unsubscribe at any time.Thank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee ourprivacy noticeAs we enter another weekend in lockdown, many families will be struggling to make their days off feel different from any other part of the week.With everyone encouraged to pretty much stick to the confines of their homes this Saturday and Sunday, most of us will be eager for new ideas to make our time off from work a bit of a treat.And surely an adventure to far flung lands to see iconic buildings, exotic creatures and beautiful locations and have a chance to soak up their colour, splendour and beauty if not their sun will make a welcome change from the usual routine.Here, we have picked out a top five ideas with more to follow of where families in and around Newcastle can journey to this weekend from the comfort of their sofa.Taj Mahal The Taj Mahal in India is opening its doors for 360 degree virtual tours taking in its stunning construction and views.The landmark considered one the greatest monuments of all time was created at Agra by the fifth Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan, as a mausoleum in memory of his much loved wife.He set out to fulfill a promise he made on her deathbed to build a monument that would match her beauty and work started Cheap Jerseys free shipping in 1631 to create what is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and very definitely a stunner.Now, from the comfort of our homes, we can explore 22 areas of the monument and gardens through 360 degree panoramas and a map allows viewers to click open windows, zoom in then pan around.And we can focus in on details showing, for instance, the semi precious stones inlaid on the Dome.There are also narrated mini movies to watch during the virtual visit as well as music to enjoy along the way. See here.Read MoreJesmond Dene stars among Countryfile top 10 Virtual EscapesPanda Cam Animal lovers can take a trip across to America courtesy of Zoo Atlanta which has linked up a camera to stream live images of its star attractions giant pandas.Don expect a huge amount of action as the pandas including twin sisters Ya Lun and Xi Lun are not the type to play up to the cameras and clearly enjoy a lot of rest.So far, we only managed to see one the zoo has tips on how to pick the twins apart here but, strangely enough, just watching a few minutes of gentle breathing can have a relaxing effect. Oo, we just seen her move! (see below) wholesale jerseys from china.

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