1, the Justice Department said in a court filing that the FBI

President Trump’s fog of ‘scandals’ canada goose outlet and outrages about the Mueller investigation

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Canada Goose sale Trump, in a continuing effort to discredit the criminal investigation into his campaign’s possible links with Russia entities, has now seized on “spygate.” This refers to the news that the FBI obtained information from an informant Stefan Halper, an emeritus professor at the University of Cambridge who met with at least three members of Trump’s campaign staff canada goose outlet in uk suspected of having links to Russia. Canada Goose sale

Canada Goose Jackets As an informant, Halper openly asked questions; a spy uses tradecraft to obtain information. So far, there has been nothing to indicate that there was a “spy” mandate as part of Halper’s assistance for the FBI, which apparently started canada goose outlet in usa after the agency opened a counterintelligence probe. But that has not stopped Trump from trying to fan the flames with often inaccurate information. Canada Goose Jackets

Regarding the tweet above, Trumpclaims that former director of national intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. admitted to the campaign spying, when in fact Clapper said the opposite.

Asked whether the FBI spied on the campaign, Clapper told “The View” on May 22: “No, they were not. They were spying on, a term I don’t particularly like, but on what the Russians were doing. Trying to understand, were the Russians infiltrating, trying to gain access, trying to gain leverage or influence, which is what they do.”

In an interview on “PBS NewsHour” on May canada goose womens outlet 23, Clapper said: “Well, I think he’s kind of distorted what I was trying to say, which was actually took aversion to the term spy, which I don’t like anyway, but particularly it’s inappropriate in this context. The intent, though, is the important thing, wasn’t to spy on the campaign, but rather to determine what the Russians were up canada goose sale uk to.”

canada goose uk outlet While Trump claims “large dollars” were paid to Halper, it’s unclear what he received for his help on the counterintelligence probe. Halper was paid a little over $1 million for separate work for the Defense Department’s Office of Net Assessment between 2012 and 2017 and about 40 percent of the money was paid before Trump entered the presidential race. But no dollar figures for his assistance in the Russia probe have been reported. canada goose uk outlet

canada goose uk black friday This latest claim, clearly worthy of Four Pinocchios, is just part of a fog machine that the president has deployed for months against the probe, using hyperbolic claims of “worse than Watergate,” “McCarthyism” and, of course, “witch hunt.” Most have failed to gain long term traction, and “spygate” may face the same fate. Democratic leaders, after a closed door briefing from the FBI on the informant, said they were shown no evidence that supported Trump’s claim of spying. canada goose uk black friday

Here is a guide to the various “scandals” about the probe that Trump has promoted since he became president and what happened to them. For context, we will canada goose outlet montreal include the canada goose jacket outlet uk actions taken by federal erinpsalzer investigators.

Feb. 13, 2017: Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, is forced to resign after misleading officials about his conversations with the Russian ambassador.

March 4, 2017: ‘Obama had my wires tapped at the Trump Tower’ The New York Times had reported on Jan. 20, 2017,that investigators were examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of the probe into possible links between Russian officials and associates of Trump. In print, the headline was “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

Then, on March 4, after sketchy reports circulated that purported to expand on the surveillance, Trump tweeted allegations:

uk canada goose outlet Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism! uk canada goose outlet

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Donald J. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

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canada goose coats On Sept. 1, the Justice Department said in a court filing that the FBI and the National Security Division confirmed that they had no record that would support Trump’s tweets: “Both FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by canada goose shop uk the March 4, 2017 tweets. FBI again confirmed that they do not have any such records by consulting with personnel knowledgeable about Director Comey’s statements and the surveillance activities of the FBI.” canada goose coats

May 9, 2017: Trump fires Comey as FBI director.

May 17, 2017: Former FBI director Robert S. Mueller III is appointed special prosecutor and takes charges of the Russia investigation.

cheap canada goose uk June 1: ‘The big story is the unmasking’ The big story is the “unmasking and surveillance” of people that took place during the Obama Administration cheap canada goose uk.

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